Can I Have an Abortion in Worcester Without My Parents Knowing?

It’s an extremely common question that comes to us from our patients, “Can I Have an Abortion in Worcester Without My Parents Knowing?” In order for a minor to have an abortion in Massachusetts, you do need the consent of a parent/legal guardian.

However, what many young people don’t know — if you’re a minor who’s pregnant and still not ready to tell one of your parents, we can help. We keep all of your information confidential and can schedule an appointment with just you to discuss all of your options, including abortion in Worcester without your parents coming to that first appointment.
In addition, we can perform a pre-abortion screening that will assist you in your pregnancy and abortion-decision making process. We have a Thinking About Abortion Checklist that you can find here. Did you know that up to half of all pregnancies may end in a natural miscarriage? There’s no need to get worked up about a pregnancy that may end naturally, without an abortion.
Our licensed medical professionals can help you look into that, and all at no-charge to you. We even have after-school appointments available for those still in school.
Same-day appointments may even be available for you! Schedule today.
We provide all of these services to you FREE of charge, because we are a non-profit health clinic that is pro-woman and is community supported. We strive to give you clarity and control in your abortion and pregnancy decisions.

Schedule an appointment

Clearway Women's Health Clinic - Pregnancy & STI Appointments Available

A member of our team will contact you within 30 minutes if requesting an appointment during normal business hours.

Monday through Friday: 9am-03:30pm

Worcester Clinic

Springfield Clinic