Motherhood is a transformative experience. It may be something you always dreamed of, or something you never expected, or somewhere in between. Whatever the case, becoming a new mom is definitely life-changing. Life-changing moments often include moments of fear, exhaustion, and a sense of being overwhelmed.
We are here to encourage you on your journey of motherhood! You will find a strength in yourself that you didn’t know you had, and the journey is a rewarding one. You’re not alone. Support and encouragement are available to you, so keep reading!
Transitioning Into Motherhood
I don’t know if I can do this…
Has this thought ever crossed your mind? You’re not the only one. Becoming a mother is a wholly new experience for your body, mind, and soul. You can read a hundred parenting books and still feel unprepared!
Look around you. Do you see other moms who seem to have it all together? Well, guess what? They started out just like you, with no idea what they were doing! You are not the first new mother taking a tiny infant home with you, and you won’t be the last. But you will be okay. You might make some mistakes, but you will learn and recover. You’ll gain wisdom that you can share with other new mothers. Your skills will expand. Your confidence will grow.
You can, in fact, do this!

There’s Only One You… And That’s a Good Thing!
Social media offers a million and one opportunities to compare yourself to others.
This mom makes her own baby food!
She said to never let anyone else hold my newborn. Is that a good idea?
My sister lost all the baby weight so fast postpartum. Will I ever look like my old self again?
Wow, she’s doing such a great job as a single mom. I feel like a failure.
And then, of course, there are endless decisions to make.
Breastfeeding or formula? Wake the baby up to eat or let them sleep? Co-sleep or crib? Cry it out or pick them up? Pacifier or self-soothe?
Take a deep breath.
Remember: this is not a contest! And there is NO SUCH THING as the perfect mom. As someone once said, “There’s no way to be a perfect mom, but there are a million ways to be a good one.” And you can be a good mom. You know your baby. You know your life. Make decisions that work for your family. Real life is messy, not manicured.
No one else can claim the title, Mom, but you. And you are the best mother for your baby! Sleep schedule, diapers, baby care routine, etc… will all be distant memories one day. Time will go by quickly, so enjoy all the moments you can. Don’t compare yourself to others. You’re this baby’s mother, and you are a gift to your child. Of course, it is important to ask for advice when you need it, but the decisions are ultimately yours to make.

Verbalizing Your Needs & Accepting Help
Friend, sometimes you have to ask for help. This can be hard depending on your personality and situation, but it’s essential. “It takes a village to raise a child,” as they say. No one should have to carry the weight alone.
If you have a supportive partner, make a list of the most important things that person can do to help you. These can be practical acts of service (cooking, cleaning, feedings, etc.) and signs of emotional support (listening, talking, praying, etc.). You might expect your partner to know what you need without you expressing it, but this is often not the case. Communication is key. When miscommunications occur, forgive one another and try again. You’ve got this!
Whether you have a supportive partner or not, family, friends, church communities, and support groups can bolster your support system during this time. Surround yourself and your child with as many supportive and positive role models as you can. Often, friends and family can help with meals and other necessities! Don’t be embarrassed to say yes when someone offers to help. Many people have been in your shoes before, and they will want to bless you in this special season of life.

For Single Moms: You’re Not Alone
Single moms deserve extra special encouragement. After all, you are doing the job of two people, and you deserve lots of love. This might come from friends and family, but know that there are also support groups designed to strengthen you on this journey.
Embrace Life offers support groups across the nation for young and/or single moms. Find a group near you and get connected today! Especially in your season of single motherhood, surrounding yourself with positive people who are in your corner is essential.
You are not alone.
Online Communities for Moms
Maybe you still haven’t found the right support system where you live yet. That’s okay! You are busy being a mom! Thankfully, in this day and age, there are lots of online resources available. Check out She Might, an online community for new moms and women facing uncertain pregnancy decisions. Along with the online community, She Might also offers clarity coaching for women facing unplanned pregnancies.
Embrace Your Story
No two motherhood journeys are the same. From conception to pregnancy to delivery to parenting, everyone has their own story to tell. And what a beautiful thing that is! It means no one else can tell you the perfect way to be a mom. You can hear stories and connect with people who have walked their own path, yet you get to determine yours. And you can do this!
At Clearway, we meet you at the earliest moments of your pregnancy, and we’re here to support you through your pregnancy and beyond. To book a pregnancy confirmation appointment or learn more about our other services, chat with us today.