Mental Health Tips in Pregnancy: Stay Calm & Balanced

As May is Mental Health Awareness Month, we want to provide some practical tools and tips for investing in your mental health during pregnancy. 

As hormones fluctuate and body changes occur, expecting mothers might find their mental wellness challenged. Maybe mental health was already a challenge for you pre-pregnancy. In that case, it is even more crucial to acknowledge and address anxieties to maintain a sense of calm and well-being.

Strategies such as journaling, controlled breathing, exercise, or light physical activity can be tools to combat stress. These practices aid in promoting emotional stability and can be considered part of your prenatal care—not just for your physical health but also for mental tranquility.

Below are some general tools and resources to help you support your mental wellness during pregnancy. If you have been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, or various other mental illnesses/disorders, please seek advice from your healthcare provider as you navigate your prenatal journey. The below information is intended to supplement and support, but not to replace professional medical advice.

Understanding Pregnancy-Related Anxiety

The anticipation of childbirth and parenting can understandably cause a state of anxiety that is unique to the gestational period. This form of anxiety, while not uncommon, may manifest through heightened worry about the health of the unborn child, the birthing process, or the impending responsibilities of motherhood. Recognizing that these concerns are a normal part of the pregnancy journey is the first step toward managing them effectively.

It is important to acknowledge your feelings, communicate openly with healthcare providers, and seek support systems that resonate with your emotional needs. Being proactive in understanding and addressing pregnancy-related anxiety can significantly contribute to your holistic wellbeing during this transformative phase of your life.

Identifying Triggers

Different concerns may lead to stress or anxiety for different people. Understanding your own personal triggers is essential–the first step in maintaining mental equilibrium during pregnancy.

Recognizing situational stressors, such as financial worries, relationship dynamics, or job pressures, is pivotal in creating an effective coping strategy. Noting patterns in emotional responses can lead to proactive management of stress. This knowledge can also give you an idea of where you may need additional support.

For example, let’s say you are worried about finances. This is a very common worry during pregnancy as you think and start to plan out your future. Thankfully, you have some time to figure it all out. Taking some simple steps today will help to alleviate some of those worries. 

Here at Clearway, you can meet with one of our patient advocates to find out about all the local resources designed to help you with your financial pressures, including food pantries, WIC, thrift stores, scholarship or job opportunities, support from local churches, among many other things. Perhaps you feel fearful about the labor process. Clearway offers free classes in labor and delivery, where you can receive good information and ask an OB nurse all your questions. These intentional steps can help alleviate some of your pregnancy related stresses and anxieties.

Coping Mechanisms

Cultivating constructive coping strategies is key in preserving your mental health during pregnancy.

Reframing your thoughts, practicing mindfulness and utilizing positive affirmations are all exceptional practices to enhance one’s mental resilience during pregnancy. Our thought patterns can have a considerable impact on our emotional wellbeing. Replacing any negative thoughts about the pregnancy or your future with more balanced and positive thoughts can be incredibly freeing. These practices can aid expectant mothers in navigating through the complex maze of pregnancy-induced emotional states. Embracing some of these tactics can also lessen the impact of stress, offering a sanctuary of calm amidst the whirlwind of the hormonal changes your body is going through.

Physical activity is your friend when combating stress! Regular, moderate exercise not only bolsters physical health but also incites endorphin production—the body’s innate mood elevators. These biochemical messengers can substantially uplift one’s mood and help to reduce feelings of anxiety, thus fortifying mental fortitude during this critical period.

Lastly, engaging in community is another powerful tool in sustaining mental resilience amidst pregnancy’s demands. If that community includes your partner, family, or friends, that’s great! If you feel you don’t have a strong community, there are local support groups for expectant moms, such as Embrace Grace. Whoever it may be, these personal connections can provide emotional sustenance and provide you with a sense of belonging. Such interactions offer perspectives and communal wisdom that can be instrumental in overcoming any challenges you are facing associated with your pregnancy.

Nurturing Your Emotional Wellbeing

Prioritizing self-care is so important for your emotional health during pregnancy. Self-care does not have to be expensive or overwhelming. Just simple, daily habit changes can improve your wellness. Establishing habits such as getting adequate rest, balanced nutrition, and having some scheduled relaxation time can act as stabilizers in turbulent times. Listen to your body’s needs and give yourself permission to rest or step back from overwhelming situations.

Try to embrace the present moment. Deep breathing exercises can significantly diminish anxiety levels. Practices like these foster a tranquil state of mind, indispensable for your emotional peace throughout the journey of pregnancy.

Here are some strategies you can use to create calmness in a season of hormonal fluctuations and anticipatory anxiety.

  1. Daily Meditation/Prayer: Reserve a few minutes each day to center your thoughts in the present moment and alleviate stress. If you are a person of faith, this practice can take place in prayer time with God.
  2. Focused Breathing: Implement breathing exercises to promote relaxation and control over your physical responses to stress. Take a deep breath in through your nose and slowly release it out of your mouth as you count to 5.
  3. Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Systematically tense and relax different muscle groups to release stress from the body.
  4. Gentle Movement: Engage in some gentle stretching or exercises to maintain a mindful connection with your body.
  5. Gratitude Reflection: Regularly recount aspects of your life and pregnancy for which you are grateful, enhancing positive emotions. Make a list each night of 3 things you’re grateful for from the day.

Integrating these practices fosters emotional resilience. None of these practices are intense or time-consuming, yet their effects over time will multiply! A consistent self-care routine during pregnancy creates an anchor of stability as your body and life transform.

Establishing a Support System

Pregnancy is full of physical and emotional changes, and a reliable support system is so helpful to add stability to this season. If possible, actively curate a circle of support that works for you. This may include family, friends, church, healthcare providers, and possibly a psychological counselor. Clearway Clinic is also here for you as a first step, to listen to your concerns and get you connected to resources. 

A solid support network offers a pillar of strength and counsel. Within this sanctuary, concerns and joys can be shared openly. It’s helpful if these people share some similar experiences and/or values as you. It can also be helpful to find older people who have walked this path before you!

Engage in support groups that can bolster your knowledge and empower you with collective insight. These assemblages might include prenatal classes or online communities anchored by shared experiences.

Remember that your support system is dynamic. It won’t look the same all the time, and that’s okay. Let it evolve with your journey, providing solace and guidance at stages where your needs and challenges may shift.

Prioritizing Self-Care Activities

Self-care is an essential component of maternal health. What are some simple self-care activities we can add to our lives? Below are some suggestions you can accommodate to your situation. Remember to be compassionate with yourself. Some days will be better than others; some easier and some harder. That’s all part of the journey! Receive each day as a new start and celebrate your victories, no matter how small.

Exercise and Nutrition

Regular, moderate exercise during pregnancy can enhance physical well-being, elevate mood, and reduce stress. It’s imperative to consult with healthcare providers to tailor an appropriate exercise regimen that respects individual capabilities and gestational progress.

If you were super into the gym before pregnancy, talk to your healthcare provider about the best ways to continue and adapt your gym routine for pregnancy. If you aren’t the biggest fan of exercise, daily walking can be greatly beneficial to your mental and physical health.

A balanced, nutritious diet is pivotal for fetal development and maternal health. Emphasize whole foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients.

Additionally, staying hydrated is crucial for both mother and child, supporting circulation (vital for nutrient distribution) and fostering overall hydration. Consumption of folic acid, iron, and calcium should be monitored to ensure adequate intake, considering the heightened nutritional demands of pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a great time to focus on mindful eating habits, focusing on nutrient-dense options that contribute positively to both fetal development and maternal energy levels. Be vigilant in avoiding substances harmful for pregnancy such as alcohol, drugs, or marijuana.

Quality Sleep

Don’t underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep! Quality sleep is foundational for maintaining mental health during pregnancy, supporting physical and emotional wellbeing.

  1. Establish a Regular Sleep Schedule: As much as possible, align your body’s internal clock by going to bed and waking up at the same time daily.
  2. Create a Restful Environment: Your bedroom should be a sanctuary, optimized for comfort and minimal disturbances. A white noise machine (or white noise app on your phone) may help block out external noises and disturbances. Blackout curtains or a sleep mask can help block out light as well.
  3. Limit Exposure to Screens Before Bedtime: Reduce blue light exposure to enhance your sleep quality. Try to turn off your phone 30 minutes before bed—put it into airplane mode overnight to minimize disturbances.
  4. Mindful Relaxation Techniques: Before bed, practice some deep-breathing exercises to promote relaxation.
  5. Seek Professional Advice if Necessary: Persistent sleep issues should be addressed with a healthcare provider. Ask your provider for suggestions on how to sleep more comfortably as your pregnancy progresses.

Navigating sleep disruptions during pregnancy is crucial for your health as well as the baby’s development. Consistency and a conducive sleep environment, paired with professional guidance, can significantly improve sleep quality.

Seeking Professional Help

Engaging with a mental health professional can be instrumental in navigating the complexities of emotional well-being during pregnancy. A therapist specializing in prenatal mental health can provide tailored strategies and support.

Finding the right mental health provider may involve exploring different types of therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or interpersonal therapy (IPT), to determine the most beneficial approach. Consider professionals with expertise in perinatal mental health for the most nuanced care.

Remember that seeking help is a proactive step towards resilience and health. Early intervention can alleviate stress and promote a more balanced pregnancy experience. MGH Women’s Mental Health is also rich with resources and information to get you started learning about mental health and pregnancy. 

Therapy Options

A myriad of therapeutic interventions cater to the unique mental health needs during pregnancy.

  1. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Addresses patterns of thinking or behavior that are negatively impacting mental health.
  2. Interpersonal Therapy (IPT): Focuses on the individual’s relationships and social interactions to improve emotional health.
  3. Group Therapy: Provides a community of support, allowing for shared experiences and coping strategies.
  4. Psychoeducation: Empowers with information about mental health conditions and the physiological changes occurring during pregnancy.

Selecting the appropriate therapy involves a reflection of your needs and comfort-level. Each therapy modality offers distinct benefits, shaping a path towards emotional balance and wellbeing.

Clearway Clinic: Here for You!

Clearway has various support options available for you. During your initial consultation, you’ll meet with a patient advocate. Their role is to listen to your concerns and help you get connected to any resources you might need, including mental health support (such as counseling centers in the Springfield and Worcester area).

Clearway also offers after-abortion healing support. Many women who choose abortion for an unplanned pregnancy find themselves experiencing unexpected emotional pain afterward. Our ClearPast team is here to offer a safe space to express those feelings and seek healing. This includes individual sessions, group classes, and weekend healing retreats. Email to learn more.

We want to support you and empower you on this journey! If you haven’t confirmed your pregnancy yet, schedule a pregnancy confirmation appointment today and get started accessing the many resources available to you.   

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Clearway Women's Health Clinic - Pregnancy & STI Appointments Available

A member of our team will contact you within 30 minutes if requesting an appointment during normal business hours.

Monday through Friday: 9am-03:30pm

Worcester Clinic

Springfield Clinic