Not #MeToo?

Not #MeToo? //

The MeToo movement was founded in 2006 to bring awareness of and protest to the growing problem of sexual violence in our nation. The initial vision of the MeToo movement was to help survivors of sexual violence heal by connecting them with programs, practical help and community resources in addition to efforts to interrupt the cycle of recurring sexual violence.
Since then it has grown to a national and global movement exposing the wise-spread magnitude of this problem. It can occur in many ways and is not limited to class, gender, culture or workplace environments; sadly, it happens anywhere and to anyone.
Sexual assault is any unwanted, unlawful physical contact. RAINN, the national sexual assault hotline, defines it as “illegal sexual contact that usually involved force upon a person without consent.”
Statistics from RAINN reveal that sexual assault in America occurs every 73 seconds. And every 9 minutes that victim is a child.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) advises medical providers to routinely screen for sexual violence at pregnancy and STI visits; this is because intimate partner violence happens frequently during pregnancy. Repeated intimate sexual violence can lead to repeated pregnancy and then frequently repeated termination and this pattern can become a horrible cycle.
You are not alone. There is help for you. Use the links below to reach out for information and help or call Clearway today to connect you with the support you need to stop the cycle. or call 1-800-656-4673

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Clearway Women's Health Clinic - Pregnancy & STI Appointments Available

A member of our team will contact you within 30 minutes if requesting an appointment during normal business hours.

Monday through Friday: 9am-03:30pm

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Springfield Clinic