Under 18 and Pregnant?

Are you pregnant? An unplanned pregnancy is difficult for anyone to come to terms with. However, there’s added pressure when you’re under the age of 18. You probably have several important questions. What are your rights? Will your information be kept confidential? What if you don’t have a safe place to live? Isn’t abortion your only practical option? These questions are common, and you may have asked many of them yourself. But the good news is that there are solutions and answers to every one of your questions. If you or someone you know are under 18 and expecting a baby, read on to find out three important things you should know about pregnancy as a minor.
Even though you are under the age 18, you still have rights, especially if you are pregnant. In Massachusetts, you can apply for cash, food assistance and Medicaid. However, there are certain qualifications you have to meet, including living with a parent, legal guardian or designated group teen home. There are some exceptions and options for you if living with your parents or or legal guardian puts you and your baby at risk. It’s important to note that if you are considering abortion, parental or guardian consent is required prior to the procedure even if you do give consent due to your minor status.
As a minor, your confidentiality still matters. At Clearway Clinic, you are welcome to schedule a free consultation alone and without any fear of judgment. We won’t provide any medical records to anyone without your consent. Come alone or with a friend – either way, you’ll be treated with the same respect as anyone else!
If you’ve been told that abortion is your only way out of an unwanted pregnancy, that’s not the case. Depending on several factors including your level of support, expectations and knowledge, you have several options. For example, perhaps adoption might be a good fit. There are many misconceptions about what type of adoptions are out there and what they entail. Research them before you make a permanent decision. If you do want to parent but don’t think you have the support you’ll need, we can help direct you to resources that can meet you where you are.
If you’re pregnant under 18, abortion isn’t your only option. Contact your free and confidential consultation with our team at Clearway Clinic – no parental permission required.

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Clearway Women's Health Clinic - Pregnancy & STI Appointments Available

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Monday through Friday: 9am-03:30pm

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