Navigating Health: Understanding the Risks of Abortion with Untreated STIs or STDs
In the journey of making informed health decisions, understanding the potential risks and implications of any choice is paramount. This is especially true when it comes to abortion.
When considering an abortion, the presence of an untreated sexually transmitted infection (STI) or sexually transmitted disease (STD) can introduce additional health challenges.
If you’re thinking about having an abortion (whether via the abortion pill or surgical abortion), you should always be tested (and treated) for STIs beforehand. Having an abortion with an untreated STI/STD can increase the risk of infection and as well as other health complications.
The Intersection of STIs/STDs and Abortion
Sexually transmitted infections and diseases are prevalent health concerns that can affect anyone who is sexually active. When left untreated, these infections can pose significant health risks, particularly when undergoing an abortion. It is crucial to recognize the risks of an untreated STI to your health so that you can make informed decisions and take appropriate actions.
Increased Risk of Infection
One of the primary concerns of completing an abortion with an untreated STI or STD is the heightened risk of infection.
During an abortion, the cervix is dilated, which can potentially allow bacteria and viruses to ascend into the uterus. If an STI or STD is present, this can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), a serious infection of the female reproductive organs. PID can cause long-term reproductive health issues (including infertility) and is often caused by STDs such as chlamydia and gonorrhea.
Additionally, having an abortion with an untreated STI can heighten your risk of sepsis (infection throughout the whole body). Sepsis can be life-threatening and occurs when your body has an extreme response to an infection.
Complications in Recovery
An untreated STI or STD can complicate the recovery process post-abortion. The body’s immune response may be compromised, making it more challenging to heal. It can also increase the likelihood of complications such as prolonged bleeding or infection. Addressing any underlying infections before an abortion procedure can significantly enhance recovery outcomes.
Oftentimes, women make abortion decisions very quickly. An unplanned pregnancy can feel like an emergency, and one that needs to be resolved as soon as possible. With the increased accessibility of abortion pills via telehealth, many women also choose not to see a provider in-person before their abortion. Instead, opting for a self-managed abortion, women have abortion pills delivered to their residence after a short telehealth consultation. However, this approach can be dangerous, especially if they have an untreated STI/STD, as the lack of professional oversight increases the risk of complications, incorrect usage, and/or severe health consequences.
While it may appear more convenient, eliminating the step of seeing a provider in person before an abortion increases the risks to your health and safety. If you’re considering abortion, STI screening and pregnancy confirmation ultrasounds are two highly recommended steps to protect your reproductive health.
These steps matter regardless of the type of abortion procedure, but they are even more essential if you’re considering the abortion pill. It is important to note that medical abortion is not FDA-approved past 10 weeks gestation, and it has a significantly higher complication rate than surgical abortion.
Alongside STI screening, receiving a pregnancy confirmation ultrasound serves to clarify essential information you should have prior to making any decision regarding your pregnancy. A pregnancy confirmation ultrasound will be able to tell you information such as the gestational age and the location and viability of the pregnancy.
We offer these services free of charge here at Clearway Clinic. We are also able to test and treat you for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. An important step to protect your health. Schedule your appointment today.

Impact on Overall Health
Beyond the immediate risks, untreated STIs and STDs can have broader implications for your overall health. These infections can exacerbate existing health conditions and contribute to chronic health issues if not addressed promptly. Ensuring that any infections are treated can help safeguard your long-term health and well-being.
STDs and STIs are generally acquired by sexual contact, and most birth control methods do not stop transmission. The organisms which cause STDs may be passed from person to person in blood, semen, or other bodily fluids. (Sometimes these infections can be transmitted through nonsexual routes, such as an infected mother to her newborn. This is called vertical transmission.)
People who are infected with STIs usually appear healthy and may have mild symptoms or none at all. As a result, they’re often unaware that they are infectious to others. For example, chlamydia and gonorrhea (two of the most common bacterial infections) often present with zero symptoms! Sometimes, the only way to find out if you have an STI is to get tested. Having an untreated STI can have lifelong consequences.
According to the World Health Organization, ”STIs can have serious consequences beyond the immediate impact of the infection itself.
- STIs like herpes, gonorrhoea and syphilis can increase the risk of HIV acquisition.
- Mother-to-child transmission of STIs can result in stillbirth, neonatal death, low-birth weight and prematurity, sepsis, neonatal conjunctivitis and congenital deformities.
- HPV infection causes cervical and other cancers.
- Hepatitis B resulted in just over 1 million deaths in 2022, mostly from cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma.
- STIs such as gonorrhoea and chlamydia are major causes of pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility in women.”
Take your reproductive health seriously! If you are sexually active, get tested. If you’re considering any type of induced abortion, get tested (and treated, if necessary) before your procedure.
Proactive Steps for Safety and Health
- Screening and Testing: Before an abortion, it is advisable to undergo comprehensive STI/STD screening. Early detection allows for timely treatment.
- Effective Treatment: If an STI or STD is detected, following a prescribed treatment plan is essential. Completing the full course of medication can effectively manage the infection and minimize health risks.
- Open Communication with Healthcare Providers: Engaging in open and honest communication with healthcare providers is crucial. Ask questions and make sure they understand your health history. Make sure you’re making an informed decision.
- Prioritizing Follow-Up Care: If you recently had an abortion, post-abortion care is an integral part of the recovery process. Attending follow-up appointments and monitoring for any signs of infection can help ensure a smooth recovery. (If you need emotional support after abortion, contact us to learn more about our abortion grief support group.)
Empower Yourself With Good Information
Are you thinking about having an abortion? You might have questions about the various induced abortion procedures, your rights, risks and side effects, abortion legislation, or what to do if you change your mind. Or maybe you’ve already ordered the pills or scheduled your termination appointment.
Wherever you are in your decision-making process, we invite you to schedule an appointment at Clearway Clinic to receive free STI testing, pregnancy confirmation, and support. We can often see you before your scheduled procedure.
The decision to undergo an abortion is deeply personal and often complex.
Often, women choose abortion primarily due to a lack of support. This lack of support may be financial, emotional, relational, or in some other area. Whatever it is, it can feel severely dis-empowering to see abortion as your only escape out of an incredibly hard situation.
If this is you, we’re here for you.
Our free medical services will get you started with good information, but our support for you doesn’t stop there. Our patient advocates will also sit with you and help you assess what are your felt needs at this time in your life. They will then work with you to identify all the resources in the community designed to come around and empower you in those areas. Maybe your problem is housing, insurance, education, mental health, family, or something else. Whatever it is, we’ll offer a listening ear and a path to support.
You should never have to make an abortion decision because you feel you have “no other choice.” You should never make a decision to have an unsafe abortion out of fear or shame of your situation.
While your pregnancy decision is in your hands, you should have access to every possible resource to ensure it is a truly empowered decision. We’re here to help you do that.
With the right information and support, you can navigate this journey with confidence and optimism. Be brave! Make your decision with clarity, confidence, and care. You are not alone.
Schedule your appointment today.
Reviewed by Kate O., BSN, RN
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for medical advice. Please contact your doctor for more information.