According to data from the CDC, just over 41% of pregnancies in the US were unintended in 2019 (1). That’s almost half! Many of these unintended pregnancies occurred even among women who were using various contraceptive methods to prevent pregnancy.
This highlights a key point: we can’t fully control conception to avoid pregnancy. While some birth control methods are more effective than others, none are completely foolproof. That’s why it’s important to understand how to prepare for and navigate an unplanned pregnancy when it happens.
Facing an Unplanned Pregnancy: Your Options
Many women and couples who are facing an unexpected pregnancy, while shocked and surprised, still have every intention to continue the pregnancy and raise their child. If you fall into this category, congratulations! Surprise babies are often that extra blessing your family didn’t even know you needed. Your local communities will have many resources available to walk alongside you and help you to build up your “village.” Check out our Pregnancy Resources page, where we highlight just a few you can seek out.
If that’s not the case for you, this unplanned pregnancy might feel like an emergency. Parenting may seem completely out of reach financially, relationally, emotionally, and mentally. There could be a number of obstacles in your way. We’re truly sorry you’re in this position. While we hope one day you could see your pregnancy as a gift, we understand that life’s challenges often make it hard to view it that way.
According to Brave Love, less than 1% of women facing unplanned pregnancies choose adoption. Many women believe their only options are between parenting and abortion. When women don’t feel empowered to parent, they often see abortion as their only other option. Abortion is widely discussed in the media, and many people passionately advocate for access to it. As a result, it can appear to be the best option. However, now that you’re pregnant, the decision may not feel as simple as it once seemed.
In this blog, we want to offer you a more comprehensive perspective on the options available to you. Abortion is an option, but it’s not your only one. Knowing your options and what support is available to you can empower you to make an informed, confident pregnancy decision.

About Abortion
Abortion procedures are either chemical (using abortion medication) or surgical (various procedure types).
Chemical abortion (also known as the abortion pill, Plan C, or medical abortion) utilizes a medication regimen to end a pregnancy. The first medication, mifepristone, blocks progesterone, a hormone necessary to nourish and sustain the growing embryo. The second medication, misoprostol, induces uterine contractions to expel the pregnancy from the uterus. The abortion pill is FDA-approved up to 10 weeks gestation, after which your risk of incomplete abortion and other complications increases. If you experience an incomplete medical abortion, it may be necessary to receive a surgical abortion to remove the remaining tissue.
Surgical abortion procedures include vacuum aspiration and D&E (dilation & evacuation). These procedures are available up to various gestational ages in your pregnancy, depending on local state laws.
Most people perceive abortion as a solution to an unplanned pregnancy. In Massachusetts, abortion is widely available and accessible. Even though it is common and widely available, abortion is not without its own risks and side effects. It’s essential to receive the proper health screening in advance, which should include an ultrasound and STI test, to best protect your reproductive health. It is also important to understand that aside from the possible physical complications, abortion often has long-term emotional implications as well.
It’s not uncommon for those who’ve undergone an abortion to express a spectrum of emotions that might evolve over time. Every abortion is a deeply personal experience, and individuals will navigate these feelings at their own pace. A range of emotional responses is normal. Grief and relief can coexist; and commonly, initial feelings of relief transform into a deeper sense of loss and emotions over time.
It’s important to take into account how the abortion might impact you in the long term as you decide. Talk to someone who’s been through an abortion, or check out some abortion stories online. Everyone’s experience is different, but know that abortion isn’t your only choice. If you are feeling pressured or coerced to have an abortion, reach out for support. It is very important to know that it is against the law to force someone to have an abortion, no matter the situation or their age. Whatever your journey, we’re here for you. Schedule a consultation today.
About Adoption
Many people have misconceptions about adoption. One we often hear is that putting your baby up for adoption is the same as sending them into the foster care system. It’s important to understand that when a birth mother decides to place her child for adoption, she typically will go through a private agency. There she will receive support throughout her pregnancy and beyond. They help to navigate the entire process, including assisting the birth mother in choosing the family that will adopt her child.
She can also choose an “open adoption,” which means she’s able to set up ongoing contact with her child and their family for the future. (It’s important to note that adoption is a great option for any woman who, for various reasons, is concerned about losing rights to the custody of her child. Instead of risking your child entering foster care, if that is your concern, you can choose the perfect family to raise them from the beginning while still being able to be a part of the child’s life.)
Adoption provides a child with a loving family environment where they can thrive. It ensures that they have access to the resources, care, and support needed for personal and educational development. Furthermore, adoption can be a gift to individuals who are unable to have biological children themselves. Adoption offers the precious opportunity to fulfill dreams of parenthood and contribute positively to a child’s life.
Adoption is a brave, loving, and sacrificial choice. While it is beautiful, it is also a hard and emotional choice. Birth moms may feel loss and grief when they release their child to his or her new family. An adopted child may grow up with some unique questions and emotions of their own to work through. Adoption is not a painless choice, but it is one that gives life. Families grow. In an open adoption; families connect for a lifetime. Choosing adoption looks beyond the immediate circumstances, opening new pathways for birth moms, children, and adoptive families.
If you’re considering adoption, there’s support for you too. Check out stories on Brave Love to hear about other moms who made the same choice.

Making a Pregnancy Decision: Seek Support
Abortion, Adoption, or Parenting?
If you’re feeling conflicted, you’re not alone. At Clearway, we’re here to support you. We provide free medical services to confirm your pregnancy and free decision support. If you need a safe, non-judgmental space to talk, process, and receive resources, contact us.
Schedule your appointment today!
Please Note: We do not provide, prescribe, or refer for abortion.