You might have heard a lot about us, or you may have never heard of us. But if you’re pregnant and looking for options, our name might have popped up online for you. So it’s important you know who we are!
What is Clearway Clinic?
We are a faith-based nonprofit pregnancy medical clinic.
- Faith-based: We are an ecumenical (many different types of churches) Christian organization. Our faith values set the foundation for the services we provide and the safe, nonjudgmental environment we intentionally cultivate.
- Nonprofit: We are a registered 501c3 nonprofit. We do not charge for any of the services we provide, and we do not profit from any clients who utilize our services. All our funding comes from private donations from community members who want to support women and couples facing unplanned pregnancies.
- Pregnancy medical clinic: We are a DPH-licensed medical clinic offering free healthcare services for pregnancy confirmation. These include pregnancy testing, STI testing, and focused obstetric ultrasound. Our staff includes a team of registered nurses trained in focused ultrasound and volunteer licensed doctors who read and review every scan. Together, these services provide you with essential health information as you make decisions about your pregnancy, whether you are considering abortion or beginning your prenatal care journey.
We exist to walk alongside women and couples facing unplanned pregnancies, empowering you with information and support. Alongside our medical services, we also provide decision-making support, resource referrals, prenatal health education classes, some material aid, and after-abortion grief support.
You will not be judged, no matter what you feel, think, or decide. Pregnancy is hard enough, never mind when you don’t feel ready! We’re here to walk alongside you and make sure you don’t have to face this alone.
Why Would I go to Clearway?
Clients choose our services for a variety of reasons. Let’s go through some of the most common.
Looking for Pregnancy Confirmation
You might have already taken a pregnancy test. Maybe it came up obviously positive, or negative, or super faintly in between. Maybe you took 2, 3, or 4 tests to be sure.
Your next question–when did I get pregnant? You check your period tracker app. Okay, so maybe I am about five weeks. But that period was super light. What if it was before that??
While pregnancy tests are easily accessible at local pharmacies and stores, they don’t tell you everything you need to know. Pregnancy tests look for the HCG hormone in your system. The presence of HCG indicates pregnancy and can be detected in the urine.
What don’t pregnancy tests tell you? First, they don’t tell you when you got pregnant. Secondly, they don’t tell you if the pregnancy is viable and inside the uterus. This information is essential, especially if you’re considering abortion.
Early in pregnancy, obstetric ultrasounds are used to determine the gestational age of the pregnancy and to determine if there is a viable, intrauterine pregnancy. Many women come to Clearway Clinic to confirm their pregnancy and receive this essential health information free of charge.

Pregnancy Decision Support
Unplanned pregnancy happens at all different stages of life to all different kinds of people. You might think, I’m the only one who’s gotten pregnant at such-and-such phase of life.
We promise you, you’re not! Whether you’re 15, 25, or 45, you’re not the only one. And if you’re struggling to know what to do about this pregnancy, we’re here to support you.
Let’s make it clear: this is your decision. If you’re considering abortion, adoption, or parenting, the decision is yours. No one can force you to do anything. If you’re feeling coerced by people in your life or circumstances, try to be honest with yourself about that. What do YOU want? What support do you need?
Even though this is your decision, you’re not alone. You should be supported throughout so that you can make your best possible decision. Sometimes, that means having a safe space to process with someone who’s there just to listen.
Our patient advocates will sit with you, listen, and provide some resources to help you process your decision. Whatever you decide, we won’t judge you. Many women choose Clearway not just for free medical services, but also to receive nonjudgmental support during a scary time.
Since we don’t charge for our services, we don’t profit from any decision you make. Although we don’t provide abortions, we do provide after-abortion support if you choose abortion and struggle with emotional pain later. If you choose to continue your pregnancy and need ongoing support, reach out and we will connect you to resources in the community.

Pregnancy Resources
As mentioned above, many women come to us for resources. While we ourselves don’t provide many of these, our networks in the Worcester and Springfield areas do. If you tell your patient advocate your most pressing needs, they will refer to our resource list and do their best to make sure you get connected to organizations that can help you.
Nutrition support, housing, support groups for single moms, material supplies, job networks, and local church communities are just a few examples of great resources available locally. It takes a village! If you would benefit from some additional support, don’t hesitate to reach out. You are so valuable–you’re worth it!
After-Abortion Grief Support
We also provide emotional healing support after abortion.
Everyone has a different experience with abortion, but 63% of women and 83% of men reported that they would have benefited from talking to someone after their abortion(s).
After abortion, grief and relief can coexist. Conflicting emotions can shift and evolve as time passes. You might simultaneously feel relieved that you had access to abortion and still wonder what could have been.
You might not think about your abortion 99% of the time, but memories return according to certain triggers (such as dates, seeing small children, or public discourse on abortion).
Whatever the case, if you need a safe space to talk about it, we’re here for you. Our trained staff will provide you with nonjudgmental and loving support. We offer drop-in support groups as well as short-term healing programs for men and women both. If you have any questions, reach out to after-abortion support groups and programs.
Be Brave! Facing Your Unplanned Pregnancy
Getting support is brave!
It might not feel like it, but it is. Sometimes we tell ourselves we have to do it all on our own. That’s not true though! You deserve love and support, and we’re here to offer a small piece of that in your story.
So if you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy, schedule an appointment today. If you’re struggling with a past abortion decision, reach out. You’re not alone.