How Effective Is the Abortion Pill Reversal?

With the information about abortions out there, what about if you get cold feet along the way? Did you know that there is also a way to reverse an abortion before it’s completed? It’s called the abortion pill reversal, and the goal is to stop the effects of medical abortions from oral medications. Abortion pill reversal only works in the first trimester of pregnancy but is known to successfully counteract the effects of medical abortions. Read on to learn about the effectiveness of abortion pill reversal.
Before discussing what the abortion pill is, it’s helpful to know what causes medical abortions in the first place. Medical abortion refers to the process of ending a pregnancy in the first trimester through the administration of two medications. The first part of the process involves taking mifepristone, and then about two days later, misoprostol causes contractions which expel the early developing baby. Abortion pill reversal works to counteract the effects of mifepristone, which blocks the hormone progesterone. Progesterone is integral to the growth of a baby, particularly in the first trimester.
Abortion pill reversal refers to the intervention of adding progesterone back into the system. This is most effective within the first 24 hours after taking the mifepristone pill. There has been some apparent success with the treatment up to 72 hours after the mifepristone pill, but it is best to address it as soon as possible. The abortion pill reversal is not effective if you have already taken the misoprostol dose.
Timing is important with the abortion pill reversal process because of the end goal. An attempt at reversing a medical reversal involves a prescription of progesterone, taken vaginally, orally or sometimes via injection. If you do decide to take the progesterone supplements to reverse a medical abortion, you have about a 64% chance of success. Although there are no guarantees, the odds are certainly higher than waiting to see what happens if you did not take the misoprostol as the second part of the medical abortion. You will most likely have to continue taking progesterone at least until the end of the first trimester to sustain your pregnancy. The reason the process does not work after the misoprostol dose is because that particular drug attempts to expel the baby through strong contractions, in which case the add progesterone is rendered ineffective. The sooner you reach out to reverse the effects of the medically induced abortion, the more likely you are to see your pregnancy continue. However, there are no guarantees that the abortion pill reversal process will be successful.
If you have more questions about the effectiveness of the abortion pill reversal or abortion alternatives in general, schedule a free consultation with our team at Clearway Clinic or call us at (508) 438-0144.

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